ASBD has been holding the Applied Breast Ultrasound for Clinicians Course at least once a year for over a decade. This year the course was held in Sydney in mid June at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Coogee Beach. With the help of major partner breast biopsy equipment supplier Bard (BD) and ultrasound companies Mindray, GE and Sonosite we provided a truly hands on workshop with plenty of time to become familiar with the use of the ultrasound equipment and biopsy techniques including vaccuum assisted and core biopsies.
The course was facilitated by experienced breast surgeons Dr Daniel de Viana, Prof Ian Bennett, and Mr Michael Law who provided expert instruction and guidance on the four biopsy workstations along with the industry staff. The live ultrasound examination of patients in two cubicles was instructed by radiologist Daniel Lee and sonographer Judith Lim.
The course is designed for breast surgeons and other clinicians with limited prior experience in the use of ultrasound. This educational activity meets BreastSurgANZ requirements for trainees and will be submitted to RACS CPD Program. The course is accredited towards CCPU by the Australian Society for Ultrasound Medicine (ASUM). Since COVID the course has been offered in two parts - online theory learning modules followed by a half-day practical workshop. One registration covers the two components of the course, and completion of the theory course is a pre-requisite for attending the practical workshop.
Thank you to the support we received from Samantha Salandziak, Sonosite; Tuscany Attard, Mindray; Colin Downie,Taylor Bennett, - , George Saad, BD; and Shelly Lord, GE Healthcare.
More information on the THEORY COMPONENT
The online course takes approximately 4 hours to complete. Approximate module completion times are shown.The course may be completed over a number of sittings. You may exit the course at the end of a module and resume later. (Remember your login details)
The online course program includes the following 9 modules.:
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Prof Ian Bennett gave an update on the use of Ultrasound with in your medical practical.
Course instructors and organsisers: Dr Michael Law, Prof. Ian Bennett, Ms Kerry Eyles, Dr Daniel de Viana, Ms Judith Lim, Dr Daniel Lee.