Links on this page will take you to external websites containing educational content developed by the companies listed below who are working in a partnership arrangement with ASBD. While ASBD encourages members to use educational content from a range of sources, ASBD bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.


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Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema Prevention

Health is Fluid: Transforming Cancer Care with Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Technology

In this webinar series, leading clinicians and experts discuss the innovation and science behind bioimpedance spectroscopy and how the technology can transform the assessment and management of conditions like cancer-related lymphoedema. Learn about monitoring fluid and tissue status in cancer patients and how SOZO® is aiding in lymphoedema prevention.




Discover how negative pressure wound therapy can help patients healing from breast reconstruction

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) can support post-operative wound healing outcomes of breast reconstruction patients. Through the following resources, learn how 3M™ Prevena™ Therapy and 3M™ Veraflo™ Therapy help to reduce the length of hospital stay, readmissions, and support your patient's recovery.

Expert Webinars

Specialist surgeons Dr Andrew Campbell-Lloyd, Dr Ronald P. Silverman, Dr Andrew Ong, and Dr Farid Meybodi discuss the benefits of NPWT for breast reconstructive surgery.

Case Studies

Real world case studies about the effectiveness of NPWT for various breast reconstruction surgery types.

Clinical Publications

Follow the evidence and data on the efficiency of NPWT for preventing surgical site infections, managing soft tissue, and salvaging implants.