Welcome to Introduction to Clinician Performed Breast Ultrasound (Level 1). This course replaces the ASBD Applied Breast Ultrasound for Clinicians Course and is endorsed by Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand (BreastSurgANZ) and ASBD. It is a training requirement for BreastSurgANZ trainees but is also open to other medical professionals with an interest in developing breast ultrasound techniques.
The Introduction to Clinician Performed Breast Ultrasound (Level 1) facilitated by Prof Ian Bennett, Dr Daniel de Viana, and Dr Michael Law is designed for breast surgeons and other clinicians with early experience in the use of ultrasound. The 2025 course is offered as a series of online learning modules followed by a half-day practical workshop on 14th June. One registration covers the two components of the course. This course provides Level 1 training for the BreastSurgANZ PFT education program in surgeon performed ultrasound.
A Level 2 course, Advanced Breast Ultrasound for Surgeons is in development. The Level 1 course will be a pre-requisite for the Level 2 course, designed specifically for surgeons.
The Level 1 Course includes:
You can register for the course at any time and complete the theory modules.
Saturday 14th June 2025
Bryan Emmerson Seminar Room, 4th Floor
Princess Alexandra Hospital
199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba Qld 4102
Time: 9am - 1pm
This educational activity will meet BreastSurgANZ requirements for trainees and will be submitted to RACS CPD Program.
The course is accredited towards CCPU by the Australian Society for Ultrasound Medicine (ASUM).
The course will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Approximate module completion times are shown.The course may be completed over a number of sittings. You may exit the course at the end of a module and resume later. (Remember your login details)
The online course program includes the following 9 modules.:
The Practical workshop will include various work stations involving live scanning of patients and core, fine needle, and novel biopsy techniques on phantoms.
KEEP THE LOGIN DETAILS YOU CREATE. They will be emailed to you when you create a new account.
To complete the Ultrasound Course Online Learning Modules go to the ASBD ONLINE LEARNING PORTAL and click on the Ultrasound course. Enroll in the course with your member login or the non-member login details you have just created. You can then commence the modules. You may logout at the end of a module and resume at a later date by logging back in and selecting the Ultrasound course.