ASBD held its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) workshop in June. As AI finds its way into many aspects of our lives ASBD has decided to be on the front foot by providing some training for health professionals in how to personalise and use AI tools in their workplace.
Our inaugural workshop was presented by Julian Moore, an unabashed technology geek, who has a deep understanding of the AI world and how AI can be used to improve operational performance and in particular how it can be effectively used by health professionals.
The half-day workshop gave an overview of AI tools relevant to health professionals. Through live demonstrations, Julian presented a range of AI tools that can revolutionise work practices and dramatically enhance effectiveness across a range of common tasks. The software included a range of presentation and research tools.We looled at what is happening in AI that is relevant to medicine and even tested the skills of ChatGPT4 in reading and reporting on complex mammograms. In the second half of the course Julian provided many tips on how to customise ChatGPT4 so that it works efficiently, and how to protect the privacy of our work. Everyone had their laptops out customising and using the applications. It certainly was an enriching afternoon of learning, innovation, and professional growth. Thank you Julian!
Look for Julians' next workshop in the concurrent sessions at the Leura International Breast Cancer Conference.
Some of the attendees along with presenter Julian Moore (white shirt).