In 2018 ASBD will join with Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand (BreastSurgANZ) and CoBrCa (Controversies in Breast Cancer) to hold the International Breast Congress.
This most important congress will take place in Melbourne, October 11-13, 2018. As the main congress in the field of breast diseases in the Asia-Pacific region in 2018, it is one that should not be missed!
The Joint Congress will combine the best features of the three societies. ASBD will oversee a series of workshops and education sessions preceding and during the meeting to address the multidisciplinary educational needs of the audience, (similar to those held at out biennial scientific meetings). CoBrCa will continue its tradition of directly addressing key issues facing clinicians in their daily practice, including medical oncology, surgery, radiation oncology, pathology, reconstruction, breast imaging, allied health and survivorship issues. BreastSurgANZ will organise surgical content for the Congress.
The collaboration will create a multi-faceted congress of interest to all involved in the treatment of breast disease and will bring many renowned experts to Australia. Through a format of debates, lectures and panel discussions, the congress will provide a forum to effectively address unresolved clinical and therapeutic problems. An event not to be missed for anyone working in the field of breast disease!
Visit the Congress website here!